The Birth of Breezy Beach
Founder and CEO of Breezy, Kris Izquierdo met his first love on Miami Beach on his 21st birthday. The pair soon became a couple and in 2018 started Breezy together. It all happened almost too fast and what brought the couple together, the Beach and Breezy, ended up tearing them apart in 2021. As Kris describes it, “working with your girlfriend can create strong currents, sometimes too strong to swim against." This left Kris as the remaining founder to continue running the company.
After some time, he was ready to find new love and went on many dates with no luck. But what he did find was a major unsolved problem. As he recalls, “many women would tell me things like I feel like I am sexually exploiting myself by making content on Only Fans but I have bills to pay. Or they would say, I really don’t want to, but in order to make more money I have to show my body more.”
It was through what Kris calls empathetic imagination that led him to imagine a world where women could keep their clothes on and earn like their clothes were off. It was at that very moment when he saw the intersection point between art history and the emergence of new AI technology.
Kris recalls learning about “The Birth of Venus,” a famous 15th century painting that unfolds on a beach, and marked Sandro Botticelli as the first artist to paint a nude woman —a bold and innovative choice that was certainly daring for the time.
The painting is intriguing because both the Greek God of wind Zephyr and the Greek Goddess of breeze Aura, are seen blowing a light breeze to guide Venus ashore. Kris was also astonished to learn the painting was 523 years old (same as his birthday 5/23) from when he met his former partner on the beach.
Inspired by Botticelli and his masterpiece, Kris realized he could create a platform that fosters artistic expression through the use of AI tools and without women feeling sexually self exploited. The name of this platform, Breezy Beach of course. Breezy Beach will allow creators to create lookalike avatars, swap outfits, and even create hyper realistic exclusive content all while keeping their clothes on.
Breezy Beach & Beyond
The vision for Breezy Beach extends far beyond a platform for sexually suggestive content. Kris, sees a world where we all socialize on Breezy Beach in mixed and virtual reality. The beach is a perfect social environment for meeting people, much better than a bar or dating app. Romantic relationships shouldn’t be pursued directly like on dating apps; they should happen serendipitously in social environments when you’re not looking for it.
The best way to describe the future of Breezy Beach- it’s what Instagram can’t do, it’s what Only Fans isn’t, and it’s what dating apps like bumble haven't figured out yet. Ultimately, Kris wants to create a platform that brings people together serendipitously in a novel way.